Wyoming Public Service Commission
Pipeline Industry
Pipeline Safety Seminar
The Wyoming Public Service Commission will be hosting a pipeline safety seminar on October 21, 2025. The seminar will be at the Thyra Thomson building located at 444 West Collins Dr, Casper, WY from 8:30 AM-4:30 AM. An agenda will be posted in the future.
Pipeline Utilities
The Commission regulates twenty-one intrastate pipeline utilities operating in Wyoming. The Commission has the following primary duties regarding the regulation of intrastate pipeline utilities:
Hearing rate cases and approving rates and tariffs;
Granting certificates of public convenience and necessity for major facilities;
Establishing accounting and depreciation procedures for intrastate pipeline utilities;
Approving mergers, acquisitions and transactions between companies;
Approving the issuance of securities and creation of liens by the intrastate pipeline utility; and
Mediating consumer complaints regarding intrastate pipeline service issues.
Pipeline Safety
The Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC) is authorized by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Office of Pipeline Safety to perform inspections and have safety jurisdiction of Intrastate Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines, Natural Gas Distribution Systems, Liquid Propane Gas Distribution Systems, Regulated Gas Gathering Systems, Construction and Liquefied Natural Gas Systems in the State of Wyoming. The Wyoming Public Service Commission does not have safety jurisdiction for Hazardous Liquids and Interstate Gas pipelines. PHMSA has safety jurisdiction of Interstate Gas and Hazardous Liquids pipelines in Wyoming. PHMSA State Programs Website: https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/working-phmsa/state-programs/state-programs-overview
The WPSC's Facility Engineering Section inspects 34 Natural Gas Pipeline Operators and Gas Utilities. The types of inspections that are conducted include the Standard Transmission and Distribution safety inspections, Accident and Incident investigations, Drug and Alcohol Program inspections, Operator Qualification inspections, Integrity Management Program inspections, Control Room Management and any investigations that the Commission may deem necessary.
The Facility's Engineering Staff attempts to inspect each distribution operator annually, but no less than every other year. Each transmission operator is inspected by the WPSC Facility Engineers every other year, but no less than every three years. The inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with 49 CFR §§ 191, 192, 193 and 199. (https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=1d49a3b137cb1b6fc45251074e634b44&c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title49/49cfrv3_02.tpl)
Pipeline Construction
The Wyoming Public Service Commission has the authority to issue Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for intrastate gas transmission lines and high-pressure distribution lines, which have a maximum allowable operating pressure of 125 psig (Commission Rules Chapter 1, Section 2(a)(xxxiv)(D)). The Wyoming Industrial Siting Commission has authority over the routing and siting.
One-Call of Wyoming
Natural Gas and Hazardous Liquid Transmission lines located in Wyoming
The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) provides the general area of the Gas and Hazardous Liquids Pipelines in the state. https://www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov
If you have any questions or concerns about pipeline safety issues please contact the Commission's Facility Engineering Supervisor at 307.777.7427 or by email to wyoming_psc@wyo.gov
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